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EPIC Consultants Announces: Simplified Acquisition Opportunities
August 17, 2022

Secure professional development opportunities under the Simplified Acquisition Thresholds.

MIAMI, FL –   As the year-end approaches, EPIC Consultants announces new opportunities for the procurement of its services under the Simplified Acquisition Procedures.  This offers a streamlined access to Professional Development programs, under 25K.  Trainings are certified by Florida International University and are customizable to include subjects such as:

  • Lean
  • Six Sigma
  • Agile
  • Supply Chain Management
  • ISO Management
  • Project Management and Leadership
  • Team Facilitation

>>  Special offering for Lean 6 Sigma Green Belt Certification!

EPIC Consultants, an 8(a) Small Business company based in Florida, has been offering these programs to the private sector for over 15 years in partnership with Florida International University.  The highly skilled and experienced instructors bring practical knowledge on how to implement the subjects in your specific organization to effectively achieve:  increased efficiency and quality, enhanced customer satisfaction, lower costs, reduced wastes, effective and engaged teams, and more.  According to, Javier Mesa, Senior Executive at GHT Corp, “EPIC provided us the guidance and the know-how to elevate our game.  If you’re serious about making an improvement in your business processes, EPIC Consultants is a great asset!”

“Typically, a single Lean Six Sigma project brings returns around 3 – 5 X the investment.” Says Alfredo Moran Hassan, EPIC Consultants’ Chief Operations Officer, and Lead Instructor.  “However, organizations that promote a cultural transformation through a systemic company-wide professional development program often see results that are way beyond that and are sustained through the years.”

Learn more about our Professional Development programs or Contact Us to request a free customized plan for your team.


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